How to Cast a Bad Luck Spell on a Group of Hate Crime Committers that have raped gang-banged your mind and tortured you with electronic slow-kill weapons for over 7 years bad luck... CURSES! CURSES ON ALL OF YOU!!!! CURSES Curses curses...... The voodoo queen will see to it that you all experience condensed torture and torment befire you go to hell to be tirmented by satin for eternity 10-25-2000 see 2 c wat they did 2 walt tribe for for over 21 years non-stop. I am talking full blown human torture and full blown attempted murder on walt's person in The los Angeles County for over the last 41 months intensely and non-stop 24 hours a day and 7 days a week at his place of employment in Westwood CA at his home in Sylmar CA and at his girlfriend's home in Tarzana CA!!! see for all the documentation, facts, findings, and conclusions. for more see Thank You. October 25th, 2000 Happy Hallowween 2000 The Witches new-YEAR!!!! HA HA it's tru...


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Tips and Troubleshooting

Experience is the best teacher...

On this page I'll include some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing my hobby. Where appropriate, I'll include steps or pictures to help clarify my explanations.

Please feel free to contribute your own tips - I'll post the best ones so everyone can see them.

Here's an example of a tip I might include in a hobby site about cooking.

Tip 1: Baking with Eggs

When baking, always bring eggs to room temperature first. Cold eggs may cause the batter to curdle, which could affect the cake's texture. To quickly bring eggs to room temperature, let them soak in a bowl of warm water for about a half hour.

List of Tips

In this area I may include a list of all the tips on this page, to make the page easier to scan. For example:

Tip 1:Baking with Eggs
Tip 2
Tip 3